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Wrigley Field

About this Project

For nearly 100 years The Friendly Confines has been home to the one and only Chicago Cubs.  Babe Ruth’s famous “called shot”, Ernie Banks’ 500th homer, and “The Bartman Incident” are just a few of the historic memories at Wrigley.

Early in 2011, the intense Chicago Blizzard that shut down Lake Shore Drive delivered a blow (pun intended) to the ball park. The roof above the press box blew completely off.

Wrigley Field called Crowther to repair the damage but work had to be completed prior to the start of the 2011 Major League Baseball season.  Crowther repaired what damage the storm did and installed a new modified roof system that was absolutely complete before the start of the season.

More info on the damage to Wrigley:


Wrigley FieldWrigley Field
© 2012 Crowther Roofing & Sheet Metal. All Rights Reserved.
18958 Airport Road | Romeoville, IL 60446 | Phone: (815) 726-2400